“Well done is better than well said.”

– Benjamin Franklin

The Stratham Republican Town Committee is committed to helping registered Republicans take solid steps towards running for office in Stratham or other adjacent areas. If you are interested in running for Federal, State, or local office we would be happy to work with you.

Help Elect Republicans

Our primary mission is to help get Republicans into office.

Defend Conservative Values

We stand for the promotion of sensible and conservative ideals to address the challenges of today. We seek to build and maintain a political presence to achieve those goals.

Have Fun Together

Congregate and meet with likeminded individuals in the area committed to effecting change in the local/State/Federal landscape. And have fun while doing it!

From Our Blog

Hello everyone. The election is indeed coming. People are getting feisty online, yard signs are everywhere, and the political landscape continues to churn on. I highly suggest we all to do something about it! Below are some places to help shape our future. STRATHAM ELECTION ACTIVITIES […]
A huge win for the future of voting in NH. Looking forward to seeing this go into effect after this coming election. Link below. Sununu Signs Law Ending Voting Without ID – Starting Next Year – NH
Hello all!  This is just a reminder for the state primary next week, Tuesday, September 10th, 7AM to 7PM at the Stratham Memorial School.  No matter who you vote for, please make the effort to get out there to vote!  Regarding the Delegates to the State Convention Rockingham District 12 […]

 WE NEED YOUR HELP to maintain our momentum.

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”

– Francis of Assisi